This Blog represents bits and pieces that I wanted to share with my followers as I make the journey of writing my various book ideas, short stories and random ramblings.

Characters Who's Who?

From the Arthrosapian Books

Melissa Dyne
grew up together in the country, with her brother Richard. They've never been wealthy or even described as well off. Their childhood was difficult, their parents often fought and they don't look back at it very much. During the event Richard was visiting Melissa's home on the south side of Pittsburgh, they had a few drinks and were reminiscing about the games and pranks they pulled as children when they fell asleep in Melissa's Living Room.

Richard Dyne
always loved the outdoors. When Melissa insisted he come for a visit he at first objected saying, :That’s too much city for me I’d rather hang out in the cabin in the woods.” Eventually, she won him over and he came for a night of fun with his big sister. After The Event he gets to spend a lot more time outdoors,although it’s not as safe as it once was, he still loves it just the same.

Billy Jackwilde
is a networked colony of nanoparticles and was created by Dr. Leon Jackwilde to explore what would come to be called Earth C. After his activation it became clear to Dr. Jackwilde that Billy was more of a person than most humans and may be on Par with the S.H.A.I. Billy continued to help his father even after Leon became the tyrannical Leader of the Misguided. At least until Billy could find a way to return his father to the man he once was, if not something a little bit more.

Dr. Jackwilde
was always the big fish intellectually but interpersonal relationships always caused him difficulty. If only people were as predictable as their biology dictates he would be fine. His life changed when he got a job and geneticorp and married Lillian Carmichael, only to be trapped in Technospace and betrayed by Lillian and her father William. William arrived and killed almost all of Leon’s staff and attempted to murder Leon. If not for the actions of Leon’s newest Creation, Billy, William would have succeeded. This complete and utter betrayal by those who he loved after being trapped in Technospace for months broke him. He fell in love with Lilsva of the Kch’Tk’Thk and turned himself into a splicer using the genes of the Kch’Tk’Thk. Usurping the rulership of the Kch’Tk’Thk and creating the new type of Splicer called the Misguided. The first of which are himself and his surviving staff; Caltre Bivens, Amrak Stone and Traivin Alrychiv who are his longtime friends and loyal allies. These three are the only humans he trusts as their shared tragic past binds them together.

Charu Nguyen

Brittany Chriss



Sarah Delvyn

Amrak Stone

Traivin Alrychiv

Caltre Bivens

Elinia Covens

Side Characters
Alan Murdoch
The First S.H.A.I.
Flur brother of Fire-eye
William Carmichael
Lillian Carmichael
Kch’Tk’Thk Ancients
Parliament of S.H.A.I.
Mayor Chervin Milst
Captain Lark Wicks
Dr. Patricia Jones
Will Sims
Marcus Trite
BladeFang Leader of the Gshyyk
Thomas James Founder of Lemac
The Boss

Xorlich and His followers



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