October 31st 2014 9:00 P.M.
It’s time I shed some light on our methods of communication and our social interactions. We have various ways to communicate. Inside our hive structures we use complex pheromone signals. In the hive this is an immediate and the most effective method. Outside the hive we must use our clicking tongue, flashing antennae, body language, hand gestures. For long distance needs we can employ swarm carried pheromone signals.
As for social interactions among ourselves, no one morph or caste is treated any differently. The deciding factor when it comes to our various forms is if the hive is in jeopardy. If so they priority is as follows: Reproductives , Specialized, Young, then unspecialised general population.
Decisions are made via pheromone votes. They aren’t weighted with any bias on caste or morph. I hope I’ve helped to grant any readers of this journal at least a middling amount of understanding as simply as i can explain it. I wouldn't want any furballs getting a headache.
Entry 37
Dr. Jack
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