This Blog represents bits and pieces that I wanted to share with my followers as I make the journey of writing my various book ideas, short stories and random ramblings.

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Interview with Dr. Leon C. Jackwilde Part 2

Elenor: Today we have a returning fan favorite Dr. Leon C. Jackwilde. Joining us from his isolation containment cell in the S.H.A.I. Networks viral programming quarantine facility. 

Leon: Hello again Elenor.

Elenor: Welcome back Leon. I hope your accommodations aren't too terrible. 

Leon: It's better than I deserve.

Elenor: Let's get right to the reason you're  joining us again. Is that alright?

Leon: Of course.

Elenor: Are you familiar with the growing numbers winthin the Order of the Hoarfrost Midnight and are they in anyway connected to the arthrosapiens?

Leon: I’ve been monitoring their activities and there is no connection to the arthrosapiens. The arthrosapiens simply wish to live in harmony with humans and this new world. The order of hoarfrost midnight is a more malignant situation.

Elenor: You're being quarantined how are you monitoring this organization?

Leon: The firewall lets information in but its a one way signal. The S.H.A.I. are very proud of it.

Elenor: So, this Organization..(is cut off by Leon)

Leon: Cult, the word you're looking for is cult.

Elenor: I'm sure that's a bit harsh..

Leon: They are a bunch of fanatics worshipping something beyond our comprehension. They are a cult.

Elenor: Not a fan of religion I take it?

Leon: I'm a native of Earth B, Elenor. We don't subscribe to that particular Canon.

Elenor: What of the being they worship this thing they call Xor..(Leon stops her mid sentence)

Leon: No! Do NOT say it's name!

Elenor:(smirks) Not religious but rather superstitious aren't we Leon?

Leon: It's not superstition. The entity they worship isn't from any of the three realities that make up our own. It is from somewhere else. Somewhere that physics do not work they way they do here. That thing can somehow hear when its name is spoken aloud. It brings its attention to you. You do not want it to notice you. 

Elenor: That sounds a little paranoid.

Leon: I wish it were simply paranoia.

Elenor: If this thing is so dangerous why are there so many people flocking to join with it?

Leon: The same reason they wanted to join me years ago. 

Elenor: And that is?

Leon: To be part of something larger than themselves. Religion can be a soothing But wholly destructive thing.

Elenor:That's all the time we have for our show tonight. Thank you for joining us again Leon. 

Leon: Always a pleasure Elenor.

Elenor:  From everyone at our station goodnight Triearth and be safe out there.

The stage goes dark

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