This Blog represents bits and pieces that I wanted to share with my followers as I make the journey of writing my various book ideas, short stories and random ramblings.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Interview with Dr. Leon C. Jackwilde Part 1

Two people sit in a semi intimate setting. Two comfortable chairs, a spot light illuminates the area revealing the floor is a varnished hardwood, possibly oak. A person on the right is wearing business attire while the other is clad in typical laboratory vestments. The person on the right has shoulder length blonde hair that is perfectly styled. The one to the left has short spiked whitish-silver hair  that seems to be quite messy. It becomes clear to you that this is an interview.

Interviewer: Good morning DoctorJackwilde.

Dr. Jackwilde: Good morning Elenor.

Interviewer:(clearly taken aback by the subject knowing her name) You know my name? 

Dr. Jackwilde: Of course, I am familiar with your work with the S.H.A.I. Network.

Elenor: Well, I feel I'm at a disadvantage. You know my firat name but I only know your title and last name.

Dr. Jackwilde: I know more than your first name. Elenor Richardson, age 29, single, female of African ancestry... that came off a little creepy... I apologize. My name is Leon by the way.

Elenor: (Unnerved by his knowledge of her but doesn't draw attention to it.) Let's get down to why you're here today. 

Leon: I'm  here to let everyone know I am solely responsible for the current state our reality is in and I wish to be held accountable for my actions.

Elenor: please elaborate.

Leon: I constructed a device called the transdimensional gateway. By operating it I caused three different realities of our multiverse to merge together forming our current one. It brought the Arthrosapiens and two distinct cultures of humans all together on one planet.

Elenor: was that the intention?

Leon: heavens no. I simply wanted to see if interdimensional travel was possible.

Elenor:(shuffles through some cards, no doubt with questions written on them for Leon to respond to) After the merging, you aligned yourself with the Arthrosapiens and were hostile towards humanity. Why?

Leon: Why did I do what I did ? I let my pain and grief control me. I just couldn't handle the state of my life and I blamed all of humanity for it. In that altered state I made many terrible decisions. First was to use an experimental splicer serum on myself. The second was just rolling with the chemical changes happening in my brain due to the conflicting biochemical signals. It's also well established, by me I might add, that the splicer method doesn't work well with arthropods. I was so desperate to feel loved that i was willing to throw away my humanity. The third was thinking about the hive as if they were non-Earth C arthropods. The thought that they could always make more, that all of them were expendable. That because I was human, I knew more than them, that I knew what was best for them and how best to protect them from other humans. It was my arrogance and my ignorance. My arrogance blinded me to the truth. My ignorance blinded me to the reality in front of my eyes. 
Anyone who has disturbed and anthill or a bees nest knows they will retaliate vicously. Why do They throw themselves at much larger opponents without any sense of self preservation? They don't want to die but are willing to do so. But why do we see them as mindless cannon fodder and not valiant defenders? They defend their nests. No they are protecting their children. They are protecting each other.  The same truth applies to the arthrosapiens, even though their thought processes are alien to us. Each one of them is willing to die for their hive. But that same hive will violently fight to keep every last one alive. None of them are disposable, none of the worthless. They are not cannon fodder, rather they are a battalion of cannons. When dealing with them, it will do you good to know that they could crush us effortlessly as we have done to their distant cousins for so long and to remember who the apex predators really are. Because it isn't  humanity, Not anymore.

Elenor:(Shocked by the matter of fact way Leon responded at length) So, if the arthrosapiens wanted to do so they could wipe out all of humanity effortlessly?

Leon: Yes, however that isn't in their nature and not the point I was trying to make.

Elenor: which was?

Leon: That humanitys arrogance and self centered world view needs to change or there may be dire consequences, dire consequences indeed.

Elenor: Are you still in contact with the other humans you changed into arthrosapiens?

Leon: primarily, I am not and they are not arthrosapiens. When you see a human spliced with a tiger do you call them a tiger? No you call them an augmented human. Those people are augmented humans and not to be confused with the arthrosapien race. The arthrosapiens call them the misguided and the word they have for it literally translates to Jack's brood.

Elenor: Are you aware that most of them have gone into hiding?

Leon: I am, I've extended the offer to reverse the process so they can be unaugmented once more. A great deal of them have. Others have not been so cooperative.

Elenor: I assume you're referring to Amrak, Treyvin and Caltre?

Leon: Amrak and Treyvin. Caltre was the first to be returned to his original state. 

Elenor: That's all the time we have for today thank you for coming and letting me conduct this interview.

Leon: The pleasure was all mine I assure you. 

Elenor:  From everyone at our station goodnight Triearth and be safe out there.

The stage goes dark

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